David Kooi


David loves cannabis, music, the natural sciences, and using data to solve problems. He is the creator and author of the Theory of Purposeful Cannabis Consumption, in which he dismantles the stigma against cannabis consumption using Jointly’s unique data. Before Jointly, David combined his background in business leadership and analytics with his passion for nature and endurance sports to build the most successful bicycle retailer in southern California, which he later sold to Trek. Kooi graduated from Northwestern University with a BA in Economics and Statistics before earning his MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also plays the banjo, but not very well.

Jana Hrdinova

Drug Enforcement and Policy Center (DEPC)

Cassie Tomaselli


Kyle Ciccarello

Vice President, Finance
Standard Wellness

Sheri L Tarr, JD

Founder, Chief Advisor
'68 Partners LLC

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