Alexander Sandof

Lighthouse Sciences

Our in-house master extractor Alexande Sandof has expertise in product formulation with multiple relevant cannabis industry certifications With over seven years of cultivation experience, Sandorf has operated multiple vertically integrated facilities and has been responsible for establishing the indoor cultivation and production schedules of several cannabis brands.

Alexander’s extraction practices are focused on light hydrocarbons.

He can produce any cannabis product, including isolates of purity greater than 99.5% with clean RST’s (Residual Solvent Testing). Throughout his eleven years (and counting) in the industry, Sandorf has maintained a passion for safety, consistency, and high-quality cannabis production that characterizes his work for Lighthouse.

Jason Wilson

Paragon Premium Cannabis

David Haley

Ancient Roots

Jenn Richards

Account Manager
Klutch Cannabis

David Waxman

McGlinchey Stafford

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